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Walled Lake Consolidated Schools passes $250 million bond proposal

Walled Lake Consolidated Schools passes $250 million bond proposal
Thank you, voters!

On Tuesday, May 7, voters went to the polls and approved Walled Lake Consolidated Schools’ $250 million bond proposal.

With 14,063 residents voting, the unofficial results are:

  • Yes: 8,508
  • No: 5,555

“Approval of this bond proposal is a testament to the strength and unity of our community,” said Dr. John Bernia, Superintendent of Schools. “Together, we have demonstrated our commitment to investing in the future of our children and the prosperity of our community as a whole.”

“We are dedicated to fulfilling the promises made in this proposal and continuing to uphold the high standards of excellence that define Walled Lake Consolidated Schools,” continued Dr. Bernia. 

The 2024 Building Opportunities, Ensuring Tomorrow Bond will help support the district’s efforts to continue to enhance our facilities, expand educational opportunities, and ensure a nurturing environment where every child can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. 

Areas of emphasis in the 2024 Bond include:

  • Safety and Security
  • Technology
  • Programs
  • Infrastructure

You can learn more information about planned projects, timelines and important updates on the 2024 Bond webpage.